Bug#874051: swami 2.0.0-svn389-5

paul ulrich niggli paul.niggli at swissonline.ch
Sun Sep 3 11:57:46 UTC 2017

Dear Maintainer,

sorry for my noobish reportbug.

even novice was to complicated

for me.

I like to give you some more infos.

I do have 2 computers,1 laptop and

1 desktop.both amd64 and debian testing.

on my desktop i have swami -3 pinned,as it

works.on my laptop i do have always the latest

testing.after the now resolved fftw-bug the version -5

segfaults again.dmesg gives me error 4 or error5

in libgobject-2.0.so.0.5304.0

sorry for my english,as I am no native.

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