Request for sponsoring Parlatype -- audio player for transcription

Gabor Karsay gabor.karsay at
Tue Sep 19 11:01:41 UTC 2017

IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) schrieb am 2017-09-14 um 21:45:
> On 09/14/2017 09:43 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) wrote:
>> On 08/24/2017 11:13 AM, Gabor Karsay wrote:
>>> It shows the waveform of the audio and I am not aware of any other
>>> comparable tool in Debian that does that. A similar program is
>>> Play-it-slowly, but Parlatype offers helpers for transcription, like
>>> timestamps (drag'n'drop), rewind on pause etc.
>> "praat" comes to my mind, which includes transcription utilities.
>> your target audience might be different, however.
> and
> $ apt-cache search transcript | grep -i speech
> transcriber - transcribe speech data using an integrated editor
> $
> i don't use any of these, so i don't know how big the overlap is.

I didn't know praat, it is indeed targeting a scientific audience.

Transcriber has a few issues, I understand the last upstream version is 
from 2005 and it doesn't work well with pulseaudio (for me it plays only 

I found another simple program called gtranscribe, without a waveform. 
Generally speaking I think there is a lack of good transcription 
utilities that are not intended for phonetic/scientific work.

Best regards,

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