Please can I upload to

Georges Khaznadar georges.khaznadar at
Tue Apr 10 19:06:52 BST 2018

Hello, I made an upgrade for the package  supercollider-sc3-plugins:
version 3.7.1 => version 3.9.1, and I intend to do the same for sonic-pi
if possible.

However I have no write access to the new VCS repository. Please can my
account be subscribed to multimedia-team project in salsa.d.o?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,			Georges.

P.S.: By the way, I shall upload the new package to DELAYED-10, please
tell me if something is wrong with it. I tested the newest package with
the current debian package for sonic-pi, nothing appeared broken.

Georges KHAZNADAR et Jocelyne FOURNIER
22 rue des mouettes, 59240 Dunkerque France.
Téléphone +33 (0)3 28 29 17 70

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