Bug#904588: supercollider: Stretch i386 Supercollider fails with segmentation fault

Bernhard Übelacker bernhardu at mailbox.org
Mon Jul 30 21:56:53 BST 2018

Hello Knut,
thanks for your feedback.

I was just asking because I did not know if Bunsen does rebuild
packages. But as the packages are really from the Debian repo I assume
here is a good place for this bugreport.

So as it works with a default setup it is just harder to reproduce ...
and it might still be supercollider or qt or gtk or a theme.
I would suggest to try to change themeing in the second user like in the
main user and see if the problem happens then there too.
One other thing nice to know would be if there are any environments set
that could change the game.
Probably comparing some environments could also point to a direction:
$ env | grep -E "QT|GTK"

Kind regards,

Am 30.07.2018 um 22:29 schrieb Knut Jackowski:
> Hallo Bernhard,
> I did not have much time to tinker around today, but this question
> seemed easy to test:
>> Does this also happen with a new second user at this system?
> Also since Bunsen is nearly pure Debian, with some nice
> preconfiguration and a few own packages to make these configurations
> easy, I thought, this might be the most promising question to answer
> (after these thoughts I was already quite sure that either my own user
> settings are somehow interfering or the openbox setup).
> Created a new user.
> No problems at all.
> Supercollider-ide runs without any problem.
> I will of course investigate, where the problem lies, but it would
> seem that a bug in the supercollider package is not the case.
> Thank you for looking into this!
> I will of course report my findings as soon as I have them, so that
> possible similar cases can be solved.

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