New version 1.4.0-1 of libheif available for upload

Joachim Bauch jojo at
Tue Apr 2 09:35:21 BST 2019

On 02.04.19 00:02, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> On 2019-04-01 20:42:20, Joachim Bauch wrote:
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> Am 01.04.19 um 20:10 schrieb Sebastian Ramacher:
>>> On 2019-03-15 11:27:35, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
>>>> On 2019-03-15 11:22:01, Joachim Bauch wrote:
>>>>> On 27.02.19 15:52, Joachim Bauch wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> there is a new release of libheif for which I just updated the packaging
>>>>>> on Salsa (not tagged as Debian package release yet):
>>>>>> For reference, the source package is available at
>>> lintian reports:
>>> W: heif-gdk-pixbuf: package-has-unnecessary-activation-of-ldconfig-trigger
>>> Question is: why does the loader have a SONAME? It isn't a shared
>>> library.
>> yeah, I also noticed this and already fixed it upstream [1], however
>> this will only be in the next release. I could however backport the
>> change as patch if you already want to have it in the package for the
>> current version.
> Yes, please backport the patch. Since we're in freeze, please also
> target experimental.

Done, the changes are committed to salsa and the new source package is
ready for review on mentors:

What is the process to get the package back in unstable again? On I only found "The migration
of packages from experimental to unstable is entirely at discretion of
the packagers".


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