[debian-mysql] Bug#444107: Bug#444107: Bug#444107: Fwd: RE: unable to install mysql

Norbert Tretkowski norbert at tretkowski.de
Fri Nov 16 17:16:11 UTC 2007

Am Freitag, den 16.11.2007, 13:37 -0300 schrieb Dererk:
> I reproduced this and it's not a bug, or, unless, it's a undocumented
> pre-requirement of mysql-server package.
> This is caused because, by default on Debian mysql-server comes
> binding mysql port at loopback device, which, if isn't up, fails
> silently.

I see two ways to fix this:

- use skip-networking instead bind-address (Christian, can you give me 
  some details about the change in 4.1.9-2?)
- check in mysql-server's preinst script if the lo interface is up, and
  abort installation of the package with a meaningful warning if it's 

By the way, I'm still unable to reproduce this bug, the mysql-server
package installs fine on my systems even with the lo interface down.


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