[debian-mysql] MySQL 5.1.26 release

Norbert Tretkowski norbert at tretkowski.de
Wed Jul 23 06:22:32 UTC 2008

Am Dienstag, den 22.07.2008, 20:13 -0700 schrieb Mariella Petrini:
> I have tried to download the mysql-5.1.26 source tar ball,
>  add the debian directory (containing all the control files, etc...) 
> that is available for mysql server 5.1 through 
> svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-mysql/tags/5.1.26rc-1, 
> but I run into errors when I try to run the 
>  debian/rules build
> What am I doing wrong ?

What errors?

The orig.tar.gz we use in Debian is modified, I guess it works if you
would just use the file from the Debian archive.


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