[debian-mysql] Help build custom Debian MySQL package

Monty Taylor monty at inaugust.com
Sat Mar 1 19:38:32 UTC 2008


That's an old debian dir that I stuck in the upstream source. Don't use
it. I'd been removed in VC, and I _think_ it might be gone in 5.1.23rc?

Instead, I recommend adding the experimental repos that nobse just
uploaded some 5.1 packages to and then doing apt-get source mysql-server-5.1


Viesturs Zarins wrote:
> Hi all MySQL Debian maintainers,
> I'm trying to build my own mysql package for Debian (involving a certain custom storage engine).
> Could you please give me some tips how it's done.
> I'm trying to make a package out of mysql-5.122-rc source tarball like this:
> CFLAGS="-O3" CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS="-O3 -felide-constructors \
>             -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" ./configure \
>             --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --enable-assembler \
>             --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static
> fakeroot debian/rules build
> fakeroot debian/rules binary
> configure and build runs fine, but binary throws the following error:
> dpkg-gencontrol -pmysql-common -ldebian/changelog -isp -Tdebian/mysql-common.substvars -Pdebian/mysql-common
> dpkg-gencontrol: error: source package name `mysql- at MYSQL_BRANDED_BASE_VERSION@' contains illegal character `@'
> dh_gencontrol: command returned error code 65280
> make: *** [binary-indep] Error 1
> I guess the problem is that the variable @MYSQL_BRANDED_BASE_VERSION@ was not defined at some step.
> I did not find an appropriate location to define it.
> Please help.
> Thanks,
> Viesturs
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