[debian-mysql] Strange things on QA page

Daniel Bonniot bonniot at users.sf.net
Sun Nov 23 12:02:48 UTC 2008

Package: qa.debian.org


I see two strange things on this page:

1. it lists 5.0.32-7etch6 as the current stable and stable-security
version, while it has been -etch8 for more than 20 days

2. in the latest news section, etch8 does not appear. etch6 appears
twice at different dates, same for etch5.

and on http://packages.debian.org/source/stable/mysql-dfsg-5.0
There it is rightly etch8, but the link to the changelog is dead:

I guess this is an infrastructure problem, but I CC the mysql
maintainers for their information and in case they have specific

Thanks a lot to all of you to look at it, and for your amazing work in general!



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