[debian-mysql] Bug#450535: This seems to break mod_perl with DBD::Mysql

Stefan Fritsch sf at sfritsch.de
Sat Apr 11 19:38:14 UTC 2009

severity 450535 important
block 521117 with 450535


from #521117 it looks like that the lack of different symbol versions 
in libmysqlclient and libmysqlclient_r broke DBD::Mysql when used via 
mod_perl in lenny (and squeeze/sid). 
Unfortunately /usr/lib/perl5/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.so links to 
libmysqlclient.so, but I didn't think of it when changing libaprutil1 
and php-mysql (mod_perl is supposed to be thread safe, anyway).

One solution would be to make perl dbd::mysql link to 
libmysqlclient_r, but I fear we can continue this game until 
everything in Debian links to libmysqlclient_r instead of 

Therefore I think changing symbol versions, or even dropping 
libmysqlclient.so, would be the better option. Of course, this should 
be done before uploading mysql 5.1 to unstable :-/


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