[debian-mysql] From Ms Fatinma

fatinma suleman suleman.fatinma4 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 18:38:24 UTC 2009

Hello Dear.
  Forgive me if my letter is not acceptable to you but i decided to write
you because I have no other alternative.Since after the death of my father
and my mother, I have been in a very big difficulty of how to claim and
invest the money which my father left in the bank for me  before his death.
I am afraid because the bank demanded for my  trustee and guardian from me
before they can release the money to me  because that was my father's
agreement with them.Please if you can help me try to reply me urgently and i
will  explain more to you.You will also stand as my  guardian and caretaker.
i am waiting for your reply.

yours sincerely

Ms Fatinma Suleman.
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