[debian-mysql] Bug#508406: fixed in mysql-dfsg-5.1 5.1.36-1

Modestas Vainius modestas at vainius.eu
Sat Jul 18 18:25:02 UTC 2009


On šeštadienis 18 Liepa 2009 10:47:15 Christian Hammers wrote:
>    * Removed amd64 specific -fPIC compiler option that was introduced
>      especially for building the NDB cluster module which is no longer
>      part of this package (thanks to Modestas Vainius). Closes: #508406

It is really unfortunate you chose the easiest way to solve this bug (removing 
-fPIC version rather than adding both). This means libmysqld still cannot be 
linked to shared libraries. Fortunately, I have found a workaround for my 
package but it's only a matter of time before somebody else needs -fPIC 
version of libmysqld. Most other distros have them.

Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
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