[debian-mysql] latest mysql version for Ubuntu?

Norbert Tretkowski norbert at tretkowski.de
Thu Mar 18 16:46:45 UTC 2010

Am Donnerstag, den 18.03.2010, 10:09 -0600 schrieb Rick Casey:
> I have  this mysql version:
> > mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.67, for debian-linux-gnu (i486) 
> up at Amazon Web Services, running a Ubuntu LAMP server.

If this is the original Ubuntu package, you're running Ubuntu 8.10.

> I have this version of Linux (not that familiar with Ubuntu, but think
> it derived from Debian Linux?):
> > uname -a
> Linux domU-12-31-38-00-9C-A5 #2 SMP Tue Sep
> 1 10:04:29 EDT 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

At least it's not an official Debian or Ubuntu kernel.

> I need to upgrade MySQL in order to functionality (table partitioning)
> that is apparently not in this MySQL version; at least version 5.1, I
> believe.
> Can anyone tell me if this version is available, and if it's possible
> to retrieve via apt-get?

I'm not really familiar with Ubuntu, but usually a simple rebuild of a
newer package should work, at least it does on Debian.

I don't know if there's a newer MySQL package already available for
Ubuntu 8.10.


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