[debian-mysql] Bug#685865: Upgarding STILL..!! doesn't work, init script can't start/stop server...

André Verwijs verwijs.pc at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 13:27:07 UTC 2012

(reply from Nicholas Bamber <nicholas at periapt.co.uk>)

1.) What version are you upgrading from?

    from 5.5.24+dfsg-6 to 5.5.24+dfsg-7 on Wheezy mirrors.
    Using mysql-workbench as gui.

2.) Have you tried using apt rather than synaptic? (So yes I better have a
play with synaptic but I cannot just now).

    I have used Synaptic and "gpk-application" (install/remove packages) i
think both install package the same way...

3.) Can you try breaking down the process so we can pinpoint more exactly
where the issue is.
    Remove the reverse dependency packages for a start, stopping the server
manually and so on.

    I have update-notifier package installed, so i'm getting a message when
a newer version is available
    fist the packages an dependencies are being downloaded and then
installed. At the point where mysql-server
    needs to be restarted, it fails... the /etc/init.d/mysql script can't
start/stop the server, so upgrade fails

    maybe i need to add myself to sudoers file?

4.) I assume you can start/stop the server normally?

    as root yes, when mysql-server installed for first time, all works

5.) Looking at the attached files it seems that you are upgrading from a
version where innodb is a plugin and that the
    errors appear to be in that area, to one where it is built in. Any
relevant information would appreciated.

    by default mysql uses InnoDB, much safer than MyISAM. I found
information about mysql in /var/log/syslog(.log)
    this is on startup. (see "syslog-mysql.txt") also added my.cnf
configuration file.

6.) The phrase "STILL..!!" seems to imply something. However I am missing
that implication. Please elaborate.

    the problem is there from from 5.5.24+dfsg-4 and up...
    see bugreports:

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