[debian-mysql] Bug#593463: MySQL is still in unstable (Re: Bug#593463 closed by Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org> (Bug#680362: Removed package(s) from unstable))

Alexander Reichle-Schmehl tolimar at debian.org
Wed Jul 11 07:42:53 UTC 2012


On 11.07.2012 04:45, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> Although mysql-5.1 was indeed removed from unstable, MySQL wasn't.
> mysql-5.1 was simply removed because MySQL has a version number in
> source package names and the number changed. MySQL is now packaged as
> mysql-5.5: http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mysql-5.5.html

Citing from our mail to the maintainers:

>> We try to close Bugs which have been reported against this package
>> automatically.  But please check all old bugs, if they where closed
>> correctly or should have been re-assign to another package.

Best regards,

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