[debian-mysql] My issues with the structure of the mysql-5.5 package

Nicholas Bamber nicholas at periapt.co.uk
Fri May 18 18:29:39 UTC 2012

On 18/05/12 19:20, Olaf van der Spek wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Nicholas Bamber<nicholas at periapt.co.uk>  wrote:
>> innotop                  n/a [separate source anyway]
>> replace                  n/a [would have to have separate docs directory]
> That's a very generic package name. Shouldn't something less generic be used?

You mean "replace". Please feel free to suggest a better one. Definitely 
not "mysql-replace" as it really has nothing to do with MySQL.

>> mysql-common             n/a
>> mysql-source-5.5         mysql-common
>> mysql-testsuite-core-5.5 mysql-common
>> mysql-testsuite-5.5      mysql-testsuite-core-5.5
> What's the difference between core and non-core?

In this case core consists of all the binaries and non-core the test 
scripts and result files.

>> mysql-testsuite          mysql-testsuite-5.5
>> libmysqlclient18         mysql-common
>> libmysqlclient-dev       mysql-common
>> libmysqld-dev            libmysqlclient18
>> libmysqld-pic            libmysqlclient18
> Why do these depend on client?

Not sure.

>> mysql-client-core-5.5    mysql-common,
>> mysql-client-5.5         mysql-client-core-5.5
> What's the diff between core and non-core?

In this case core is "mysql" and "mysqlcheck". And I made an error. It's 
non-core that depends on libmysqlclient18 (via
 >> libdbd-mysql-perl).

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