[debian-mysql] Bug#694390: Bug#694390: mysql-server-5.1: failure to install w/ apt-get

Clint Byrum clint at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 27 19:39:13 UTC 2012

Excerpts from hesco's message of 2012-11-27 09:20:46 -0800:
> My apologies about that.  
> I punted with a source install and ran into similar issues.  
> To get the source install going, I did this:
>     sudo apt-get install libaio1
> but that still did not permit an apt-get install of the db server.  
> I finally got a reminder of netstat
> $ sudo netstat -a -n -p | grep 3306
> tcp  0  0*  LISTEN      2088/stunnel4

Ok so the original fail is invalid, this was a local config issue. Will
close this bug report.

> a new /etc/mysql/ exists, but this time with no my.cnf file.
> Should that shared object required by the source package also be 
> a dependency for the debian package?  Why is the Debian package 
> not installing a new my.cnf when it creates its parent directory?

Not sure about the dependency question. However, the reaosn the package
is not reinstalling the config file after you removed it is that this is
considered an intentional action by the administrator, and so dpkg will not
reverse it.

To get around it, you need to purge the original mysql-common package

dpkg --purge mysql-common

> It appears that the disabled Plugin 'FEDERATED' which had been an issue
> before, and remained an issue when shutting down the server running
> from the source install did not raise its head when attempting to start
> the new server.  

This is a red herring.

> Were my two mv commands sufficient to provide a clean place for the new
> apt-get install?

No, you should purge mysql-common, and then install again. That should restore
the default my.cnf to /etc/mysql.

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