[debian-mysql] status of MariaDB in Debian

Otto Kekäläinen otto at fsfe.org
Tue Aug 20 18:23:58 UTC 2013


2013/8/20 Bjoern Boschman <bjoern at boschman.de>:
> In the meantime Otto Kekälänien has done a very well job to create first
> mariadb packages for jessie but it seems he still got license issues.

I updated the debian/sources file yesterday. If nobody has any more
feedback on my packaging, then somebody please clone
https://github.com/ottok/pkg-mariadb into git.debian.org and push it
with git-buildpackage into experimental in order to get more feedback.
AFAIK Nicholas and Clint are the only with upload rights in this
project so I am now waiting for them to have time to do either upload
or give more feedback what needs to be done before upload. In my
opinion the packages are now perfect or at least good enough for
upload and there is a plan on how to do all the migrations and
conflicts so everything works nicely. I agree that there might be some
corner cases where some tweaking still to the packages might be
needed, but the correct place to do that is when the packages are in
experimental and we have a full feedback loop going on.

If there is something surprisingly wrong with the packages, they can
be pulled out from experimental, but I sure hope not, as I've been
working on them since March.

I talked with Clint on IRC latest this morning. I'll try to ping
Nicholas if he would have time to upload or give more feedback. Of
course they are just volunteers, so if they don't have time, we can't
really blame, but just be thankful for the great work they've done so
far. Looking at their work for some months now I can for sure say that
the task of maintaining MySQL packages with a high quality is not an
easy one and I hope not to  mess up anything in the maintainership
process when it still, given enough time, does work.

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