[debian-mysql] MariaDB status in NEW queue?

Tom Marble tmarble at info9.net
Sun Dec 22 11:34:07 UTC 2013

On 12/21/2013 08:56 PM, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:
> I've had the time to sit with this package. It seems fine. I've marked
> it for accept. I believe ansgar brought up some concerns with the
> libmysql stuff, it'd  be nice to get that addressed.


I'm sorry I'm not sure where to look for you notes, Ansgar,
could you please repeat them (or point us to them)?

> In addition, the ChangeLog date is Wed, 24 Sept 2013 - Sep. 24th was a
> Tuesday in 2013...
> use more dch!
> Right. Thanks folks.

Will do, thank you!


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