[debian-mysql] MySQL.. no.. _I_ need your help!

Jonathan Aquilina eagles051387 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 27 16:24:55 UTC 2013

i do have a testing vps i can setup for you an account on to do tetsting
etc of mysql and maria db if it helps. I will also want to use it for my
own testing purposes along side.

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Clint Byrum <spamaps at debian.org> wrote:

> Excerpts from Jonathan Aquilina's message of 2013-10-25 23:36:22 -0700:
> > I would like to help in some capacity. Would working in a chrooted
> > environment or would one need a fully fledged os?
> >
> These days I have no standing machines of Debian. I do spin up cloud
> instances often that I use to do smoke testing.
> Basically all of my packaging work is done using sbuild/schroot on Ubuntu.

Jonathan Aquilina
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