[debian-mysql] Patches for MySQL 5.6 packaging

Stewart Smith stewart.smith at percona.com
Tue Oct 29 05:56:22 UTC 2013

Clint Byrum <spamaps at debian.org> writes:
> Excerpts from Stewart Smith's message of 2013-10-28 21:16:52 -0700:
>> Clint Byrum <spamaps at debian.org> writes:
>> > Nicholas Bamber was also looking at changing the source package name
>> > to just 'mysql' so that we don't have to pass the NEW queue every time
>> > MySQL releases a new GA. So I think that should be done in your packages
>> > as well, since we'd have to pass NEW to get a mysql-5.6 in anyway.
>> Would this block us having several MySQL major releases available at
>> once?
>> For Percona Server, this is likely to be something we desire.
> As long as you desire to support all of those versions in
> stable/oldstable.. game on. :)

For as long as we support it for our customers it would make sense to
support it... The interesting thing would be when, say, 5.1 stops being
supported - it's never going to line up with a Debian release
cycle. That being said, people on purpose using 5.1 know this already
and it's unlikely to be an issue.

> I personally do not have the resources to commit to the possibility of
> supporting 5.5 and 5.6 together at once in a stable release.

I totally get that. We have the benefit of corp resources to throw at it.

Stewart Smith
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