[debian-mysql] MySQL in Jessie

Clint Byrum spamaps at debian.org
Tue Aug 26 17:21:06 UTC 2014

Excerpts from Adam D. Barratt's message of 2014-08-26 09:33:39 -0700:
> [fixing team at security.d.o CC]
> On 2014-08-26 10:05, Bjoern Boschman wrote:
> > there are already several patches prepared to start mysql-5.6
> > transition for sid [0].
> It's rather late for that - as per 
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2013/12/msg00008.html , 
> the deadline for accepting new transitions is now less than two weeks 
> away.

Sounds like we need to get on our horses and get this moving ASAP.
Unfortunately I've no time in the next 2 weeks to contribute. So all I
can do is crack the whip. :-P

> [...]
> > We, generally speaking of pkg-mysql, would favour shipping different
> > mysql-forks starting of jessie. This would include oracle-mysql,
> > mariadb, percona-xtradb-cluster, percona-xtradb-cluster-galera.
> In general, we (the release team at least, and I believe the security 
> team; please confirm) would prefer _fewer_ forks, not more - 
> particularly when at least some of those forks aren't in testing yet 
> (possibly not even in unstable).

This is such a delicate situation. IMO Debian should just ship one,
and it should be the one with the most community involvement. However,
we have had equal parts help from Percona employees, Oracle employees,
and MariaDB users, so I don't really know if we could pick a winner there.

This is really a problem that this weird community has created by
forking rather than modularizing. It's mind bending sometimes but they
all seem to be achieving at least some degree of commercial success
while going down this path. So, I can't see Debian saying no to people
who are willing to show up and do the work.

> > Therefor my fellow collegues have introduced virtual-mysql packages 
> > [1].
> > 
> > Hopefully this helps?
> Unfortunately, it's actively _un_helpful. The virtual packages lie about 
> what they provide, which makes builds fail when the mariadb packages are 
> installed; see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=759309 
> for an example.

Thanks for highlighting this problem. It sounds like the next stop after
the transition submission is this bug.

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