[debian-mysql] Bug#773223: Bug#773223: mariadb-server-10.0: Fails to upgrade to 10.0.15-2

Gilles Mocellin gilles.mocellin at nuagelibre.org
Mon Dec 15 22:21:31 UTC 2014

Le 15/12/2014 22:55, Otto Kekäläinen a écrit :
> Thank you Gilles for reporting this.
> The mysqld init script should call on scripts that run mysql_upgrade,
> which is suppose to handle situations like this. Have you tried
> running mysql_upgrade manually?
I just tried, but it said it's already upgraded.
I force the run and see that it does not touch mysql.innodb_table_stats ...
> This issue is possibly an upstream bug and I have asked upstream devs
> for help regarding this.
Probably, as I found on the Web some similar problems with even MySQL 
itself and that table.
> Regarding the debconf string: thanks for spotting them, I just fixed
> them in commit http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mariadb-10.0.git/commit/?id=795666b08a79cfc418d9c6e7fac690ccdea41539
Ah ! I haven't even seen that, it's reportbug that lists debconf strings !

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