[debian-mysql] Bug#773727: Bug#773727: mariadb-server-10.0: Mroonga & TokuDB plugins missing

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at debian.org
Thu Dec 25 01:46:35 UTC 2014


AFAIK, mroonga also  requires some CREATE FUNCTION (and of  course to be
loaded either in MariaDB configuration  or through INSTALL PLUGIN).  I'm
not sure how other plugins do, but what is the general stance about such
things?  Shall we do it automatically or leave it to the user?

I'm asking because I recently had to automatically install mroonga for a
customer.   I have  attached  to  this email  a  (very  rough) patch  to
automatically load the plugin and issue CREATE FUNCTION (if necessary of
course) on startup.

Arnaud Fontaine

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