[debian-mysql] MariaDB: TokuDB workaround for non amd64-platforms

Otto Kekäläinen otto at seravo.fi
Tue Feb 4 19:32:05 UTC 2014

2014-02-04 Clint Byrum <spamaps at debian.org>:
>> > Currently the cmake also fiddles with
>> > debian/mariadb-server-5.5.install.in to that is is renamed to omit
>> > the .in ending and will contain or not the TokuDB files, based on
>> > if cmake built them or not.
>> Does this happen generally in the package?  I prefer that any
>> templating/conditional logic that massages the packaging lives in
>> debian/rules, not in the upstream cmake/Makefiles.
> Agreed, upstream should not be twiddling debian dir things, it will just
> confuse us all. I suggest patching that out, and submitting the patch
> as a bug upstream. We can do our own version of the .in mangling in the
> debian rules.

With these arguments I can patch it out, but how do I do in the
debian/rules a if-tokudb-has-been-built-then-add-these-files-to-install?

ifeq (,$(wildcard usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ha_tokudb.so)) ...?

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