[debian-mysql] Bug#751377: percona-xtrabackup: talks home without asking

Bernd Zeimetz b.zeimetz at conova.com
Thu Jun 12 09:00:32 UTC 2014

Package: percona-xtrabackup
Severity: serious

According to our firewall logs, percona xtrabackup tries to talk home 
without having explicit permission to do so. I think the code is 
somewhere around here:


       my $advice = pingback(
          instances => $instances_to_check,
          protocol  => $protocol,
          url       => $args{url}                       # testing
                    || $ENV{PERCONA_VERSION_CHECK_URL}  # testing
                    || "$protocol://v.percona.com",

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Bernd Zeimetz
Systems Engineer
Debian Developer

conova communications GmbH
Web    | http://www.conova.com/
E-Mail | b.zeimetz at conova.com

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