[debian-mysql] Bug#741266: Bug#741266: mysql-server-5.5: MySQL replication breaks after a while (weeks) since security release 5.5.33+dfsg-0+wheezy1

Arnold, Jens Jens.Arnold at vamed.com
Fri May 9 09:20:50 UTC 2014

Dear Maintainer,

On 2104-05-07  the breakage happened again. I've repaired it the usual way by setting up replication from scratch.

The code browser I've been referring to (which times out) is http://svn.mysql.com/fisheye/ which is linked from here:  http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/sources.html

I cannot just check out and install the patch as this is a production system. There's no build environment, and we won't install non-official packages for critical services.

Best Regards 
Jens Arnold 

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