[debian-mysql] Bug#745135: Top 10 reasons you should sponsor MariaDB 10.0 into Debian this weekend (Re: Bug#745135: RFS: mariadb-10.0/10.0.13-1 [ITP] -- Latest version of worlds most popular non-Oracle database)

Tobias Frost tobi at frost.de
Sat Sep 27 06:44:47 UTC 2014

On Wed, 2014-09-24 at 23:14 +0300, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hello Tobias and thanks for the review!
> 2014-09-23 22:49 GMT+03:00 Tobias Frost <tobi at frost.de>:
> > Hi Otto,

> > - d/control: I'd add to mariadb-test as short description what is the
> > test package about.. To avoid the need that the user has to perform an
> > extra search to find out; same with -client and -server.
> > Can be as short as e.g "mariadb-10.0-test is the regression test suite
> > for mariadb"
> Both mariadb-test and mariadb-test-10.0 have a good description field.
> Or did I miss something?

You're right, this is ok.

> > - d/copyright: It refers to a README.Source which does not exists.
> > (beside that, I did not a d/copyright review; so thats a TODO)
> Thanks for spotting. This was copied from the mysql-5.6 package (my
> mariadb packaging is based on what mysql-5.6 packaging was 1,5 years
> ago) but it does not apply for MariaDB so I removed it.
> See git log for details about all the changes I did today:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mariadb-10.0.git/log/
> I will now start my build script to verify that all is still OK.
> PS. Note also the stuff in
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MySQL/MariaDBPlan#TODO - they are all
> useful and I'll do them in due time, but do you think any of those
> items is urgent and must be done before 10.0 is uploaded?

I saw the the repository is saying "UNRELEASED". 
So we need to agree how to go on:
Do you prefer me to fetch from the repository or do you prefer to push
finished pacakges to mentors? Let me know.
In the meantime I will continue with the git version (6e4...893b203)

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