[debian-mysql] mysql-5.6 -> unstable

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Mon Jun 15 09:15:46 UTC 2015

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 09:07:00AM +0000, Bjoern Boschman wrote:
> it builds, is installable and I am using it on my box?
> Anyone who is willing to test it any further can fetch the build artifacts
> here (in experimental)
> http://www.boschman.de/debian/

Maybe it's because you're not building in parallel? Try using "sbuild
-j5" on commit a20e125 and hopefully you'll be able to reproduce my
failures. I've pushed fixes (and reversions) for now, anyway - see my
commit messages. So it's now working, but if we upload now we'll
immediately be transitioning unstable and testing users from 5.5 an 5.6,
and the experience doing this on Ubuntu suggests to me that I should try
to fix the migration/maintainer script service start failure thing
before uploading if I can do it very quickly before getting the new
mysql-common in to fix the mariadb integration issue.

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