[debian-mysql] Unannounced mysql-5.6 uploads diverging from git

Robie Basak robie at justgohome.co.uk
Tue Nov 10 16:43:00 UTC 2015

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:53:20AM +0000, Robie Basak wrote:
> I noticed that you uploaded mysql-5.6 5.6.27-1 to unstable from our git
> tree, but made some changes and haven't pushed these back to the git
> tree, tagged your release or let anyone else know what you've done.
> Please could you update the git tree so that I can continue to work
> without diverging from what is in the archive?

Further, it looks Bjoern's bump to 5.6.27 caused a dep8 regression. I
have fixed this in
but it will conflict with the current upload if I push it to master.
Please could you resolve, and refrain from pushing to master or
uploading again before first checking that dep8 still passes?

Or if you can't fix it soon, then I will clean up after you (again).

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