[debian-mysql] Redesigning the /var/lib/mysql/*.flag thing

Otto Kekäläinen otto at seravo.fi
Mon Oct 5 11:40:53 UTC 2015

2015-10-05 12:06 GMT+03:00 Robie Basak <robie.basak at canonical.com>:
> Separate from this I think that a user should always explicitly choose
> before migrating data that cannot automatically be reverted when moving
> between variants, but that would be easy enough to do with debconf if we
> had separate variant and disk version directories.

I had in mariadb-server for a while a "are you sure?" dialog, but it
sucked because if people choose No, then dpkg would abort and be in an
unclean state, just like the downgrade warning does. We should not
have any upgrade/downgrade warning at least build at debconf/dpkg

Also I don't think that copying original data would work, as in many
cases there isn't enough diskspace for such an action, and if it is a
production database, then you don't want to use an old database with
old data in any case either.

I think that it would be fair to assume that users know enough about
their database files and have backups / database dumps made in case
they are working with production databases and they care about their
database contents.


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