[debian-mysql] Bug#787533: Bug#787533: Bug#787533: Bug#787533: mariadb-common: modifies conffiles (policy 10.7.3): /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Otto Kekäläinen otto at seravo.fi
Sun Sep 6 20:08:51 UTC 2015

2015-08-14 11:18 GMT+03:00 Otto Kekäläinen <otto at seravo.fi>:
> For the record: mariadb-10.0 with these changes was uploaded to
> unstable weeks ago, but it cannot enter testing, as it now has a
> versioned dependency on mysql-5.6, which due to other problems in that
> package does not enter testing.
> For the time beeing, new versions of mariadb-10.0 entering testing is
> tied to mysql-5.6 entering testing, which is a bit suboptimal. For
> example testing still has only 10.0.19 and is missing the security
> fixes included in 10.0.20.

This is still the status. Over 40 days has already passed of waiting
for mysql-5.6.

Andreas: are you still into making mysql-common a separate source
package as you suggested in the summer? I think it would be a good
time now.

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