[debian-mysql] Jessie -> Stretch Migration

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Wed Dec 7 17:58:16 UTC 2016

Hello guyes,

while testing the tango-db migration fromJessie to Stretch, we are faing the current issue.

In prder to install tango-db we need a running mysql-server.
So on Jessie we need to install

apt-get install mysql-server
apt-get install tango-db

Then you should have something working.

Then we tryed to upgrade to Stretch.

So during the upgrade, tango-db failed to upgrade, becasue no connection to a running (mysql-mariadb)-server is available.

Looking at the upgradelog it seems that for now the upgrade of the mysql-server package do nto install the mariadb-server.

Is it expected ?



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