[debian-mysql] MySQL 5.7 Packaging

Bjoern Boschman bboschman at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 21:59:31 UTC 2016

Hi Lars,

the diff between your version and the version found on alight is quite huge

jesusch at bjoern:~/git/mysql$ diff -ru mysql-5.7/debian/
mysql-5.7-ltangv/debian/ | wc -l

Is there any chance that we can work together on the same version?
Preferably on the alioth version as it is meant to be the version used for


Am 01.02.2016 um 08:05 schrieb Lars Tangvald <lars.tangvald at oracle.com>:


I've uploaded 5.7 packaging to my github at
https://github.com/ltangvald/mysql-5.7/tree/mysql-alt (the master branch
contains the failed attempt at basing this on upstream's packaging).
Would appreciate any help with reviewing and testing so we can get it
cleaned up.

Bjoern: I included some of the fixes you made on
http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mysql-5.7.git, but your work was
based on the normal tarball, which won't work with in the build process,
since then it has to download boost.
We released a new upstream tarball that contains the boost headers needed
to build 5.7 to deal with this problem.

There's a launchpad bug for this at

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