[debian-mysql] Bug#810968: Bug#810968: mariadb-server-10.0: Logrotate exists 1 if a non-debian mysqld is running (e.g. containerized mysqld)

Lennart Weller lhw at ring0.de
Mon Jan 18 10:22:39 UTC 2016

I added some comments to the patch

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 08:58:29AM +0200, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Thanks for reporting this and supplying a patch!
> Can you please make a new version where the scipt block has some
> comments? There is rather complex stuff going on and somebody
> reviewing it would have an easier time if they can from the comments
> see what the code is supposed to do, and then read in the code that it
> progresses correctly. Thanks!
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