[debian-mysql] Bug#797210: mariadb-10.0: mariadb-server does not ship a debconf set for creating a adminitrative user (like mysql-server do)
Carsten Schoenert
c.schoenert at t-online.de
Tue Jan 26 11:53:38 UTC 2016
Hello Otto,
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 01:02:58PM +0200, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> I mean the docs linked above is meant for people installing packages
> (consuming them). I don't find it helpful for myself as the package
> producer. The docs don't tell me how a database must be packaged to be
> compatible with dbconfig. Or maybe they do somewhere but I don't get
> it. Maybe reading some example code from somewhere or seeing a
> copy-paste of them the installer fails would help here.
o.k. now I got you I think.
Don't care about packages that need to set up databases, just provide
with mariadb-server all possible authentication methods and guide the
user while installing your package.
And maybe provide a dbconfig way to add later new user/password/host
combinations to the server with dpkg-reconfigure $foo.
dbconfig isn't that difficult if you got a step in. I suggest to get in
contact with Paul Grevers who will shurly help you with a dbconfig setup
for mariadb-server as he is the mainatainer of dbconfig-common and has
the knowledge. A already had some conversions with him and he is willing
to help if he can.
> I will not close this bug just yet. I am interested in getting
> mariadb-server compatible with dbconfig - I just have no idea how to
> do it as I don't understand how dbconfig works.
> If the fix is obivious to somebody else, having this issue open and
> waiting for somebody to send a patch in would server a cause.
O.k. that's fine.
PS: I removed seanius at d.o as the forwarding is bounced. Paul Grevers is
the new maintainer of dbconfig-common.
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