[debian-mysql] mysql-cluster

Lars Tangvald lars.tangvald at oracle.com
Fri Jul 8 12:49:52 UTC 2016


Great to hear you're interested in working on this! I work at Oracle, 
and might be able to help with questions you have, though I don't have 
much in-depth knowledge of cluster.

Cluster's major versions are based on corresponding MySQL server 
versions: 7.2 for 5.5, 7.3 and 7.4 for 5.6, and 7.5 (currently rc) for 
5.7. There's no dependency on MySQL, as cluster is built from its own 
source, but there would be conflicts between the binary packages since 
cluster is built on top of MySQL.

Besides that, the main difference would be that actually setting up 
cluster to use is significantly more complicated than the basic server.


On 07/08/2016 02:30 PM, Viktor Křivák wrote:
> Hi,
> yes mysql-cluster is official Oracle stuff ( 
> https://www.mysql.com/products/cluster/ ). It use ndbcluster engine 
> and master-master replication. They actually have 2 version: free 
> community and supported with some close source. It's official fork of 
> mysql with some additional stuffs and they are also binary 
> incompatible (binlog). Main advantage is 99.999% availability ( Oracle 
> words not mine ).  They also have a little different versioning. 
> Current version is 7.4.11 and it contain mysql-server 5.6.29.
> At this moment I've got package for old version with some start 
> scripts (systemv) but it is work probably only in our environment. I'm 
> working on last stable version with lots of improvements. Final goal 
> is that you can install whole cluster without any deeper knowledge of 
> configuration or start procedure . So I have to write some scripts 
> that Oracle probably have in supported version. Also I "steal" some 
> scripts from standard mysql, because mysqld params are almost same.
> I ask only because sometimes maintainers team work on they own 
> solution in private and then refuse others (this happen to me before 
> on another project). I think this can take a lots of time and a lots 
> of questions, but when I've got something what I can show you I send 
> it as soon as possible.
> Regards,
> Viktor
> 2016-07-08 13:18 GMT+02:00 Otto Kekäläinen <otto at debian.org 
> <mailto:otto at debian.org>>:
>     2016-07-08 13:35 GMT+03:00 Viktor Křivák <viktor.krivak at ultimum.io
>     <mailto:viktor.krivak at ultimum.io>>:
>     > Hi,
>     > I'm currently working on package for mysql-cluster. We used it
>     internally,
>     > but I think it can be published in official debian repo. In
>     current status
>     > its far from being usable by other people.  But I think it is
>     possible to
>     > make it working.
>     > Is there any policy or something to prevent package publishing
>     other than
>     > quality? I'm asking before I try to comply all debian package
>     policies
>     > because they are quite more restrictive then our internal policies.
>     > Also is there anyone else who work on this? Oracle publish their
>     own deb
>     > package but it is almost same as simple tarball.
>     > Thanks for any advice.
>     Thanks for your interest. We are looking for new members to the
>     pkg-mysql-maint team and would be happy to have you involved in
>     packaging in general.
>     We have already packaged Galera as one package and it was used at one
>     time with Percona XtraDB Cluster, and it will be used with MariaDB
>     once I get around to package 10.1 or newer that has built-in Galera
>     support.
>     I don't know if anybody is working on mysql-cluster. That has a
>     different system that is not Galera based, right?
>     --
>     Otto Kekäläinen
>     https://keybase.io/ottok
>     Seravo Oy and MariaDB Foundation
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