[debian-mysql] Uploading mysql-5.7 (was: Re: plans for mysql-5.6.git)

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Thu Jul 14 13:45:21 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 03:37:26PM +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> On 2016-07-14 13:46, Robie Basak wrote:
> > I'm waiting on someone to upload mysql-5.7 to experimental, since I'm
> > not a DD. I know Otto is having some build trouble locally, possibly due
> > to build time memory requirements (Launchpad and my local machine
> > succeed reliably with sbuild).
> > 
> > Otto, are you still trying, or should I find another DD to take over?
> I got a successful build here. If you want, I can upload it. (I just
> need to redo it with finalized header/trailer in debian/NEWS).

Yes please, if that doesn't conflict with Otto. When you do upload,
could you tag or make a note of the commit you're uploading please?

> Lintian output is attached.
> * source-is-missing can cause a reject

The source is actually present, though we try to strip all of that in
removedojo.patch (but that can't remove binaries). I'm trying to avoid a
repack. Do you think we should have a lintian override there, as the
source is there in the same directory? I wasn't sure exactly what the
ftpmasters would want here, so I thought I'd wait for them to say. But
I'm confident that we're DFSG-compliant (the source is present - GPL
licensed I'm told and according to d/copyright - so it is
redistributable, but none of that ends up in a binary package anyway).

> * wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright,
> unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright should probably be addressed
> before an upload, too

I didn't spot this. I ran lintian with --pedantic but not -I, sorry.
I'll look at this now.

> * false positive: spelling-error-in-copyright Boost Boost (duplicate
> word) Boost (there is already a bug against lintian about it)

Thanks. I guess I can add a lintian override for this.


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