[debian-mysql] Bug#810968: Bug#810968: Bug#810968: mariadb-server-10.0: Logrotate exists 1 if a non-debian mysqld is running (e.g. containerized mysqld)

Lennart Weller lhw at ring0.de
Tue Mar 8 16:25:06 UTC 2016

March 8 2016 1:52 PM, "Sergey Vojtovich" <svoj at mariadb.org> wrote:
> I adjusted your patch a bit, it seem to work well for me. Could you please
> verify if you're fine with the attached version and it works for you too?

Well you basically dropped all the safe guards. But in the end its a logrotate script.
Most people will never have the problem in the first place or know whatwent wrong on
their end when they see your version of the script. So yeah fine with me.

> You mean "$($MYADMIN flush-logs)" doesn't return 1? I just tested it on my side
> and got exit status 1.

I'll try to find a reproducible bug some other time. But it can happen. EXIT_SUCCESS
but error on stderr.

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