[debian-mysql] Bug#809022: Bug#809022: Bug#809022: autopkgtest patch for MariaDB

Kristian Nielsen knielsen at knielsen-hq.org
Fri Sep 9 21:15:47 UTC 2016

Otto Kekäläinen <otto at debian.org> writes:

> 2016-09-09 23:04 GMT+03:00 Kristian Nielsen <knielsen at knielsen-hq.org>:
>> ci.debian.net, maybe the docs have something, I can try looking. How is this
>> configured, is everything in the debian packaging, read by autopkgtest?
> I am not an expert on autopkgtest. This was implemented by Paul Gevers
> in commit
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mariadb-10.0.git/commit/?id=b9d1c10300db04f273a161cbea1838211f4dea9f

Ok. So autopkgtest looks in the .deb packaging, and in this case runs
debian/tests/upstream in a suitable virtualisation container, IIUC.

And from the log, it uses lxc --sudo. So there might be some UID magic going

Note that the corresponding mysql-5.6 tests (on which Paul based his
implementation, I think) also started to fail the same way, so perhaps
something changed on the test infrastructure:


Maybe you can try this patch? It only touches the test part of the
packaging. The idea is to run the test suite under perl -U, which disables
the errors from taint mode. If taint mode is indeed the issue here, it might
fix the problem; if not, we might at least learn more about what the problem
is, then.

diff --git a/debian/tests/upstream b/debian/tests/upstream
index 6addb3b..70f928c 100644
--- a/debian/tests/upstream
+++ b/debian/tests/upstream
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ EOF
 cd /usr/share/mysql/mysql-test
 echo "starting mysql-test-tun.pl..."
-./mysql-test-run.pl --suite=main --vardir=$WORKDIR/var --tmpdir=$WORKDIR/tmp \
+perl -I. -U ./mysql-test-run.pl --suite=main --vardir=$WORKDIR/var --tmpdir=$WORKDIR/tmp \
     --skip-ndbcluster --parallel=auto --skip-rpl \
     --force --skip-test-list=$SKIP_TEST_LST $@ 2>&1
 echo "run: OK"

Unfortunately, I don't have an environment set up that allows me to test,
but the patch should be simple enough to hopefully work as-is. It adds the
missing current-directory to @INC with -I., and disables taint errors (which
will occur in taint mode once the @INC problem is fixed) with -U.

Hope this helps,

 - Kristian.

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