[debian-mysql] libmysqlclient18

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 23 20:44:26 UTC 2017

On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 04:33:43PM +0000, Alessandro Sechi wrote:
> Hi. The "libmysqlclient18" seems to be not present in the official
> Debian Stretch Repo. Do you have any prevision for release? Thank you

This is intentional. src:mysql-5.6 and its binaries (such as
libmysqlclient18) were removed by mandate of the release team.

src:mariadb-10.1 provides libmariadbclient18 as a functional equivalent.
To build against it you need to either use -lmariadbclient18 or use the
libmariadbclient-dev-compat package which puts symlinks in place. All
packages in the archive in stretch are built against libmariadbclient18

Hope that helps,

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