[debian-mysql] Bug#855656: release-notes: update on mysql/mariadb for stretch

Baptiste Jammet baptiste at mailoo.org
Sun Feb 26 16:58:08 UTC 2017


Dixit Vincent McIntyre, le 22/02/2017 :

>> >+    The <systemitem role="package">virtual-mysql-*</systemitem>
>> >packages
>> >+    will continue to exist.
>> I don't find any package named like this. Could you explain, please ?
>This was taken from an email thread of the mysql packagers and it
>was not all that clear to me either. I found an explanation here
>   https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MySQL/virtual-mysql-server
>Since this seems to be something that only matters to packagers
>of mysql-related software, perhaps the sentence should be dropped?

I add an <important> for the note about binary data file formats not
backwards compatible, and choose to add default-mysql-* next to
Updated patch attached, for clarity.

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