[debian-mysql] Bug#835596: Bug#835596: Bug#835596: [mariadb-10.0] Please ship support-files/mysqld_multi.server.sh

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Wed Jan 25 16:58:37 UTC 2017

Hi Otto,

Am 23.01.17 um 14:46 schrieb Otto Kekäläinen:
> Could you review it? And help test is works as expected?

I'll try, but relatively short on time actually. Is there a deadline you
need to match there?

> Test binaries available via repo
>   # Debian unstable
>   deb http://labs.seravo.fi/~otto/mariadb-repo/ mariadb-10.1-sid-amd64/

I need to spin a unstable system anywhere for testing.

Cheers, Jan.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
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