[debian-mysql] stretch-pu review: package mariadb-10.1/10.1.24-0+deb9u1
Ondřej Surý
ondrej at sury.org
Tue Jul 18 07:18:39 UTC 2017
I have mariadb-10.1.25 in queue, but I am busy with IETF this week. I'll
have some time on Wednesday, so I'll update this release bug during this
week to newest upstream.
On 18 July 2017 09:12:12 Otto Kekäläinen <otto at debian.org> wrote:
> 2017-07-15 0:56 GMT+03:00 Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk>:
> ...
>> of the package. To clarify: the proposal is to upgrade from
>> 10.1_10.1.23-9+deb9u1 to this 10.1.24-0+deb9u1.
>> I wasn't able to find the upstream changelog in the source package.
>> Admittedly I didn't look very hard - I eyeballed the source package.
>> There doesn't seem to be any discussion from the proponent to explain
>> what the upstream changes are and why (or whether) they are desirable.
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mariadb-10.1.git/tree/debian/changelog
> * New upstream version 10.1.24, includes fixes for the following
> high-priority regression fixes:
> + MDEV-11842: Fail to insert on a table where a field has no default
> + MDEV-12075: innodb_use_fallocate does not work in MariaDB
> Server 10.1.21
> Ondrej can chip in himself on the priority of those items.
> I don't know more, but I can reply on a generic level that MariaDB
> release notes (summary) and full release notes can be found here:
> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/mariadb-10124-release-notes/
> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/mariadb-10124-changelog/
> CVEs are listed here: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/security/
> Currently no known CVEs apply for 10.1.24 or 10.1.25, but quite often
> it turns out afterwards that releases also fixed security issues.
> Traditionally both MySQL and MariaDB have had their stable micro
> releases go into stable updates of both Debian and Ubuntu. If these
> upstreams decide it makes sense to make a stable micro release, then
> usually it also makes sense for distros to ship them either via
> security updates or via pu releases.
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