[debian-mysql] Bug#880099: mariadb-server-10.1: logrotate script does not work - permission denied

Faustin Lammler faustin at fala.red
Mon Aug 27 23:01:57 BST 2018

Hi Norbert,
thank you for your report.

I need the following please:
- content of ''/etc/cron.daily/logrotate';
- content of '/etc/logrotate.d/mysql-server';
- content of '/etc/mysql/debian.cnf' (WARNING: remove eventually the
- result of:
	$ sudo /usr/sbin/logrotate -v /etc/logrotate.conf

It seems that mysqladmin is unable to connect to the database. May I ask
you to verify this point? Does the user 'debian-sys-maint' still exists?


Faustin Lammler

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