[debian-mysql] Bug#863675: Bug#863675: libmariadbd-dev: fails to upgrade from 'sid' - trying to overwrite /usr/bin/mysql_config

Otto Kekäläinen otto at debian.org
Wed Dec 19 07:54:40 GMT 2018

The packages libmaraidbclient-dev and libmysqlclient-dev were in
Conflicts with each other and not co-installable. We should probably
have the same libmariadb-dev vs libmysqlclient-dev as well.

Feel free to open a merge request on Salsa for whatever change to want
to have in the packaging. I wrote instructions with screenshots at
https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MySQL/patches so it would be as easy as
possible to contribute.

I am also grateful for meta-contributions to the contribution process
itself: the wiki texts, READMEs inside the packaging, gitlab-ci.yml
tweaks to make the testing more extensive and reliable etc.

I made a mysql-5.7 upgrade test in the gitlab-ci.yml file
but it is not enabled due to differences in auth_socket name and
Password column in mysql.users table, and would for now just always
fail, thus disabled. It would be very cool if you extended this file
to install the libmysqlclient-dev package (and maybe some others) and
then upgraded / co-installed selected MariaDB packages to verify that
all d/control stanzas about conflicts/breaks/replaces are correctly

The more bugs we can stump right at the commit they were made, the
better quality we have and the better for users.

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