[debian-mysql] FW: RE: Ronald Bradford

Dėja Tunaitytė deja.tunaityte at hostinger.com
Sun Mar 4 02:04:34 UTC 2018

Hi there,

I reached out last week but haven't heard back. If you’re short on time right now — no worries. 

I will try to reach out next week.


		On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 2:44 AM, Dėja Tunaitytė <deja.tunaityte at hostinger.com> wrote:
			Hello there,

I found Ronald Bradford website when I was looking for some information for WordPress themes I currently am working on. 

I really like your post "Identifying MySQL SSL communication using ngrep". I also create technical content (tutorials, cheat sheets, infographics, template roundups) thus I understand how hard is it to put together such post.

Actually, I've got a quality blog post "How to Fix the Error Establishing a Database Connection Problem in WordPress". I'd love to promote with your help. Would you be interested?

Please, consider it as a collaboration. 

Also, as someone who specializes in writing about technical stuff, I thought you may get a kick out of it. :)

Let me know if you want to check it out!



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