[debian-mysql] Bug#920619: libmariadbclient18: Upgrading from 10.1 to 10.3 breaks libaprutil1-dbd-mysql

Markus Treinen markus at treinen.name
Mon Apr 22 18:49:56 BST 2019


yes I can still reproduce the problem with MariaDB 1:10.3.13-2:
Apr 22 19:28:41 guybrush apachectl[1763]: Can't load driver file 

BUT updating libaprutil1-dbd-mysql to 1.6.1-4 (from unstable as of now) 
fixed the problem.


Am 31.03.2019 um 16:52 schrieb Otto Kekäläinen:
> Hello!
> Can you still reproduce this with latest versions of MariaDB 10.3.13
> and mod_perl ?

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