[debian-mysql] libmysqlclient20

Robie Basak robie at justgohome.co.uk
Wed Jul 17 14:18:42 BST 2019

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 12:55:07PM +0000, mustafa mujahid wrote:
> I wanted to install the libnss-mysql-bg package in debain buster, but
> get the below message:

Where are you getting libnss-mysql-bg from? As far as I can tell, it did
not ship in buster.

Buster shipped MariaDB but not MySQL, as a decision of the release and
security teams pre-dating stretch. You might be able to rebuild
something expecting libmysqlclient against libmariadb-dev-compat, but
I'm not sure that's really a supported path for packages not shipped
by Debian.

sid does include MySQL still.

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