[debian-mysql] Bug#917086: Bug#917086: Bug#917086: Bug#917086: Bug#917086: mariadb-client-10.3: Can't locate Term/ReadKey.pm in @INC

Faustin Lammler faustin at fala.red
Wed Jun 12 21:44:13 BST 2019

Otto Kekäläinen <otto at debian.org>,
12/06/2019 - 20:39:53 (+0300):

> > > MR 12 is (kinda) unrelated to #917086.
> > Sorry I confused
> > https://salsa.debian.org/olafvdspek-guest/mariadb-10.3/commit/55d06886f5a81c10a00822078aac3ea0090c1b7f
> > with MR 12.
> Note that this commit is not on the master branch and right now I
> don't see any pending merge requests either that would have it.

don't you think that this split should be done upstream?

>> Just to be clear, the build fails with a file not found error which I
>> don't know how to resolve.

do you still have the build log, if not, can you give me your build
steps and environment so I can try to reproduce the error?

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